About Us
The aim and purpose of the AICBL is to provide organised, competitive and enjoyable Social basketball competition for all residents in Hong Kong. The underlying philosophy and main objective of the AICBL is to provide sporting opportunities that foster the development of players and teams of all abilities and for all ages. The competitive process is designed to improve the level of team performance through close competitions, but minimize the negative effects of mismatched teams. The development of an individual's physical, social well-being and the concept of 'Fair Play' is an important objective of the AICBL.
Currently the AICBL membership consists of member clubs, which come from schools, community groups, and neighbourhood teams. In the Youth division teams are competing in Under 10 (U/10), Under 12 (U12), Under 14 (U14), Under 16 (U16) and Under 20 (U20) age group league competitions for boys and girls. In the Adults Mens divisions the age groups are open and there are conferences, that as much as practically possible. are even and balanced in skills and abilities. By participating in the AICBL, teams and their representatives agree to abide by all AICBL rules, codes of conducts, regulations and practices.
NEW!! – Men's Season 1 (winter) Commencing 7th February 2011
In December 2010, long time "South China Basketball League (SCBL)" owner, social league stalwart and good friend to many involved with Hong Kong basketball Dave Gee, retired. Be Fit Sports felt that this would be a good time to continue his valued work and expand the AICBL to include an Adults division. We plan to do this by linking the adult's division with the youth division concepts to provide another quality basketball league option in Hong Kong. Pending teams entered, we will have conferences that provide a basketball opportunity for all skills and experience.
The Asian International Community Basketball League (Hong Kong) commenced in 2010 to provide a quality basketball league option for the junior students in Hong Kong. Over time we have endeavoured to develop an International league opportunity for players in Asia. In 2010 the AICBL also linked with the Singapore 'Community Basketball League (CBL)' (http://www.apsm.com.sg) with the common goal of developing our leagues and increasing opportunities for players in the Asian region.
• NOTE – Current Youth Division brochure
The AICBL is a community league that focus's on developing a social league that is fair, fun, competitive and encourages building relationships within our community (see Mission Statement). We will welcome participation with the development of the AICBL via feedback and consultation with club members via the Technical Committee.
The AICBL is commercially owned and administered by Be Fit Sports. They will take on the administration and development of the league. This is their fourth year providing quality basketball options (Basketball Development Program) for juniors in HK and they believe they have the technical and basketball skills required to oversee a successful league (please see our website www.befitsports.com for more information). Be Fit Sports will provide trained and experienced game supervisors at matches that oversee the implementation of schedules, rules and be a source of contact at all games. All marketing activities and commercial ownership of the AICBL is solely with Be Fit Sports, a Hong Kong registered company (Ozlink Ltd). Contact can be made by email admin@befitsports.com and phone 91575615
Game Supervisors will be designated to each AICBL game to oversee games and that the objectives of the league are being met. The supervisor will be trained and educated on league rules and regulations. They will also strive to ensure as much as reasonably possible that they are equipped to implement league operations efficiently and to handle enquiries for the league. The supervisors will provide feedback and reports to the League Technical Committee and AICBL League Organiser. An overview of the role of the Game Supervisor will be made available on the website www.aicbl.com.hk
The AICBL will implement a Technical Committee which invites ONE representative from each member club. Due to the variances and policies required for each ADULT and YOUTH Division there shall be a separate committee for each of the divisions. The Committee will then make decisions regarding matters and issues related to 'rules & regulations', 'season scheduling' and 'disciplinary matters'. Be Fit Sports will provide the Chair and administrative assistant for the committees plus invite two experienced advisors to assist with meetings. The committees meet once prior to each season and will provide meeting minutes and the modifications to the upcoming season. An overview of the role of the Technical Committee will be made available on the website www.aicbl.com.hk
The aim of the Code of Conduct is to provide an agreed upon document that outlines the aims and responsibilities of all people involved in teams; coaches, players and parents. In the end, the idea is to have fun, enjoy team spirit and play the game in a responsible, fair way. The Code of Conduct of the AICBL will be an underpinning tool to the league rules and regulations of the league. All players, coaches, parents and even spectators should adhere to the codes. Copies of the Codes of Conducts should be distributed to members and discussed accordingly. An overview of the role of the Game Supervisor that oversees that the Conduct is being implemented at games will be made available on the website www.aicbl.com.hk
Each season the website (www.aicbl.com.hk) will have the latest and upcoming season information. This will be located in the 'Register Now' link. Be Fit Sports (www.befitsports.com) will also provide information and links to member clubs options for players. This will be located in the 'Programs' link.